RV Power Systems

Gear: Optimizing Power Systems for RVers: Converting to Lithium Batteries, Upgrading Inverters, and Integrating Solar Panels

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As avid RVers, we understand the importance of a reliable and efficient power system on the road. In this technical blog, we delve into the gear that has transformed our adventures in our American Coach Patriot Sprinter 3500XD STD170. Discover how we optimized our power setup by converting from AGM to lithium batteries, upgrading to a high-performance inverter, and integrating solar panels into our system. Join us as we explore the technical aspects of these upgrades and the benefits they bring to fellow RV enthusiasts.

Enhanced Power Efficiency and Extended Capacity with Lithium Batteries

rv power systems dragonfly lithium batteries sprinter van

The heart of our power system upgrade lies in the installation of three Dragonfly 100Ah 12V LiFePO4 batteries. These advanced lithium batteries offer superior power efficiency, extended capacity, and longer lifespan compared to traditional AGM batteries. With their higher energy density and exceptional efficiency, our lithium batteries provide reliable and long-lasting power for our onboard systems, ensuring uninterrupted enjoyment during our journeys.

Upgraded Inverter for Seamless Power Management

Xantrex Freedom XC PRO Marine 3000W Inverter sprint van

To complement our lithium battery bank, we upgraded to the Xantrex Freedom XC PRO Marine 3000W Inverter. This high-performance inverter offers increased power output and improved efficiency, enabling us to run power-hungry devices and appliances with ease. The upgraded inverter seamlessly handles our electrical demands, providing a stable and reliable power supply while optimizing the utilization of our lithium batteries. Experience enhanced power management and peace of mind with a robust and efficient inverter system.

Smart Battery Monitoring for Real-Time Insights

Monitoring the health and performance of our power system is essential. That’s why we incorporated the Victron BMV-712 Smart Battery Monitor. This smart monitor provides real-time insights into our battery’s voltage, current, state of charge, and more. With its advanced features and intuitive interface, we can proactively manage our power consumption, ensure optimal battery performance, and prevent unexpected power shortages. Stay informed and take control of your RV’s power system with smart battery monitoring technology.

Integration of Solar Panels for Sustainable Power Generation

In our quest for sustainable power, we integrated 200W solar panels into our setup. These solar panels serve as a valuable addition to our power system, harnessing the sun’s energy to generate clean and renewable power. During daylight hours, the solar panels charge our lithium batteries, reducing our reliance on external power sources. This integration allows us to extend our boondocking stays, reduce our environmental impact, and embrace a greener approach to RVing. Experience the benefits of sustainable power generation and optimize your off-grid capabilities.

LP Cummins Generator: Redundancy and Backup Power

While we embrace modern power solutions, we also recognize the importance of backup power sources. As a result, we chose to retain the LP Cummins generator in our setup. This generator provides an additional level of redundancy and backup power, ensuring a consistent power supply even in remote locations or during unforeseen circumstances. With this dual power system approach, we can travel with peace of mind, knowing that we have reliable backup power available when needed.

Future Plans and Expectations

Our journey with these upgraded power systems has just begun, and we have exciting plans for the future. We will closely monitor the performance, reliability, and overall satisfaction of our power system upgrades. We will assess factors such as battery longevity, charging efficiency, inverter performance, and solar panel output. Additionally, we will continue to refine our power management strategies to optimize battery usage, inverter efficiency, and solar panel integration. Stay tuned as we share our experiences, insights, and recommendations to help fellow RVers make informed decisions about their own power system upgrades.


Optimizing the power system in our American Coach Patriot Sprinter 3500XD STD170 has been a game-changer for our RV adventures. By converting to lithium batteries, upgrading our inverter, integrating solar panels, and retaining a backup LP Cummins generator, we have achieved a highly efficient, reliable, and sustainable power setup. Experience the benefits of enhanced power efficiency, extended capacity, seamless power management, and sustainable power generation. Follow our journey as we share our technical insights, real-world experiences, and practical tips for fellow RVers seeking to optimize their power systems for a truly enjoyable and worry-free travel experience.


Here’s the list of equipment we used for our power system upgrade:

QtyPart DescriptionWhere to Buy
3Dragonfly 100Ah 12V LiFePO4 BatteriesBattle Born
1Xantrex Freedom XC PRO Marine 3000W InverterShop Amazon
200Watt Solar PanelsZamp Solar Panels
1Victron BMV-712 Smart Battery MonitorVictron Store

A special thanks to Eric Hoopes with American Dream RV Service, LLC. for the installation expertise and support.

Note: We chose to retain the LP Cummins generator in our setup to provide an additional level of redundancy and backup power.

Stay tuned as we provide updates on the pros and cons of our power system conversion to lithium batteries in the coming months.

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

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